Monday, February 21, 2011

Chant Shiva Panchakshar Stotram

P.P.Sadguru Shree Aniruddha Bapu Instructed all shraddhavan bhakta’s at Hari guru gram yesterday to chant Shiva Panchakshar Stotram (Aaradhanajyoti 62) as many times as you can in Nandi Paksha.

The total period of 15 days around ' Maha-Shivratri ' i.e. 8 days before ' Maha-Shivratri ' and 8 days after ' Maha-Shivratri 'is called as ' Nandi Pandharavada' Or Nandi Paksha.( In Marathi, ' Pandharavada ' means 15 days ).

Nandi was ' Rhishi ' and he worshipped ' Param Shiv' during this period. Therefore, this period is very important.  This is a period of purity. Nandi has written ' Shiv Panchakshar Stotra ' and has also given us the Panchakshari ' Jap ' '' Namah Shivay '' .

Valukeshwar Shivlinga – the Linga made with Sand is the most sacred and most significant.

  • How is sand formed? As the waves at the sea time and again hit the rocks or the cliff; the immovable rocks give in to the force of water and immensely small particles are formed. Similarly, our mind is like a rock.

  • Our intellect also becomes hard as a rock. Valukeshwar, the Ling made out of sand signifies the fact that – the inner-body (soul) that we exist in, in each and every birth we take is the same. However, the outer form such as color, name etc changes.

  • We should pray that " Oh God , the mind and intellect that has become like a rock, let the waves of your kindness and grace hit this rock (mind and intellect) and break into small particles.Let it also become like sand and cleanse the soul and purify it. "
 Sand also signifies Continuous Efforts,because when sea waves continuously hits rocks then only it  has been converted into fine sand granules. That's why Valukeshwar Shivlinga is also a  symbol of  Apratihat Prayas  (Continuous Efforts) .
   On Mahashivratri (12 Feb) you can take Lord Shivas darshan at any temple, But try your level best to visit Guru Kshetram also.

                           All shraddhavan Bhaktas can offer Bilwa patra on Mahashivratri & Tulasi Patra on Aashadhi ekadashi to Trivikram at Guru Kshetram .

 { Shiva Panchakshar Stotram (Aaradhanajyoti 62) }

OM Nagendraharay Trilochnay,Bhasmangragay Maheshwaray
Nityay Shudhhay Digambaray, Tasmiee ‘N’Karay namah shivay 
Mandakinislilchandan charchitay,Nandishwar pramthnath Maheshwaray
Mandarpushp bahupushpa Supujitay, Tasmiee ‘M’Karay namah shivay 
Shivay Gauri vadnabjvrund suryay, Dkshadhvar nashkay
Shrinilkanthay Vrushdhvajay,Tasmiee ‘SHI’Karay namah shivay 
Vasishthkumbhodbhavgautamary, Muninandradevarchitshekharay
Chandrarkvaieeshvanar lochanay,Tasmiee ‘V’Karay namah shivay 
Yakshaswarupay Jatadharay, Pinakhastay Sanatanay ,
Divyay Devay Digmbaray, Tasmiee ‘Y’Karay namah shivay 
Pancharmeedam Punyam, Yaha Pateth Shivsanniddhho
Shivlokmvapnoti, Shiven Sah Modte ||6||


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