Saturday, October 27, 2012

Importance Of Kojagiri Pournima (Ashwin Pournima)

SOURCE :- Samir Dada's Blog

On The Auspicious Day Of Dassera P.P. Sadguru Aniruddha Bapu Told The Importance of Awaking on The "Kojagiri Pournima".

On this night, he said, Laxmi Mata, as told by Mahavishnu, travels around the world and makes enquiries wherever she visits -Ko Jaagarti? i.e.(Who is awake?). 

Any person who wakes through the night remembering the Sadguru, and waits for him, in the firm belief that he exists and that the Sadguru knows that he is being exhorted to come, that he knows everything - even if there is a semblance of such a feeling within that person - would be surely blessed by Laxmi Mata.  

                                                        Translation in Marathi 

दसर्याच्या पावन दिवशी प.पू. सद्गुरू अनिरुद्ध बापूंनी कोजागिरी पौर्णिमेच्या जागरणाचे महत्व सांगितले , ते सांगताना बापू म्हणाले,

 लक्ष्मी माता म्हणाली,"मी आज पृथ्वीवर संचार करायला जाईन व जो कोणी रात्री जागा असेल, देवाची वाट बघत, देवावर विश्वास ठेवून तर त्याला आशीर्वाद देईन .

लक्ष्मीमाता म्हणते, "उद्या जी कोणी "कोऽजागरति"  म्हणत देवाची भक्ती करत जागा असेल त्याची त्याने कधीतरी मागे केलेली भक्ती मी जागृत करेन."

Video Source :- SamirDada's Blog

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